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4th Edition

Fourth Edition (4th Edition) is a Magic: The Gathering core set that was released on 15th April, 1995. This set contains no new cards.

This set was based on the previous Revised Edition, with 51 cards being removed, and 122 cards from Legends and The Dark being added.

A 1995 copyright notice now appears on the bottom of the cards, with the copyright being attributed to Wizards of the Coast.

The beveled border missing from the Revised Edition was restored and the colours are also much brighter.

A new white mana symbol was introduced, and the tap symbol was changed to a curved arrow symbol, with a black rectangle representing the tapping card behind it.

An alternate Fourth Edition run was printed by the United States Playing Card Corporation in Cincinnati. Due to a dispute between the two companies, the cards were never officially published.

Cards were available from 3rd May, 1995 until well past the end of the run in April 1997. The print run is estimated at 500 million cards.

Fourth Edition was the first set with booster packs made of foil wrappers and the first with artwork on the wrappers. The boosters didn’t contain basic lands any more. Starter packs included an extra rare card, up from 2 to 3 from previous releases and uncommons were reduced to 9 from the previous 13.