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Renaissance (French, German)

Renaissance is a reprint set very similar to Chronicles, which was only released into the German, French and Italian markets in August 1995.

It was sold in booster packs of eight cards which included six commons and two uncommons. Each card carries the expansion symbol from the set it was originally printed in.

All card were printed with black borders and have a 1995 copyright statement.

The German and French versions are the same. They are black-bordered and contain all 122 cards that rotated into 4th Edition from expansions and sets that were not printed in the two languages. The breakdown is: Arabian Nights (10 cards), Antiquities (23 cards), Legends (55 cards), The Dark (32 cards), as well as 2 cards from Unlimited which were not printed in Revised (Ironclaw Orcs and Twiddle).

The reprint policy at the time stated that a card could not appear in a white-bordered set unless it had already been printed with a black-border, so this reprint set allowed cards in these languages to have a black-border printing.

Languages: French, German