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About Us

Welcome to Untapped Realms!

We’re a group of dedicated players of Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons and other assorted tabletop games, and we’re here to help make your own gaming experiences better.

We’ve combined our love of gaming with some serious tech credentials, together with our friends at Spiffy Stores to build a unique online store for you.

We’re focussing on Magic: The Gathering singles to start off with, as we have a very large collection dating from the mid-90s to kick-start our venture. We have spent almost three years building a full card database and we believe that we now have one of the world’s most complete and correct description of every Magic card printed. Even though there are official sources for this information, it turns out that it’s not well maintained, and typos and errors common. We’ve managed to scour the Internet to gather the correct information and build an engine to power our online store and populate it with accurate and complete information on Magic: The Gathering cards.

If you notice any omissions or corrections, please let us know!

We’ve also tried to make it a lot easier to find the cards that you want. Unlike many other sites, you’ll find every variation of a card on a single product page for that card. You’ll be able to see both foil and non-foil versions and prices on the same page, together with links directly to other printings of the same card.

We’ll also give you some recommendations about other cards that may be of interest. We’ll be working to refine that process to add more intelligence about what a card does, so that we can offer you the best recommendations possible.

Once you’ve found the cards you want, we’ll be striving to give you the best service possible in terms of shipping your cards to you as quickly and as safely as possible.

We’re always interested in your feedback, so don’t hesitate to contact us at